Long Term Loans vs Payday Loans There are advantages and disadvantages to both long term and payday loans, and most of them depend on the needs of individual borrowers. Making sure that you know which option will work in your particular situation can save tons of money in interest and fees. 1. Long Term Loans Long term loans are meant to be paid off in small amounts over periods of time. This can range from a few months to over 20, 30 or even 40 years. Examples of long term loan financing include home mortgage, vehicle loans and student loans. The drawback to long term loans is that the application process takes a lot of time and requires a lot of documentation and paperwork. 2. Payday Loans Payday loans – usually referred as short term loans, quick loan or cash advance – are geared for those who need access to fast cash. Usually, the application process is much simpler to walk through, and the requirements for getting these loans are much easier. Short term loans hardly require a cr...